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Business Triage 2

This business triage is the result of hours of research, testing, and EVERYTHING we’ve learned through scaling (and failing…) multiple 7-figure businesses. I’m confident it’ll reveal what’s causing your current challenges and what actions you can take to fix them.

Nice to meet you, I’m Dr Tamer Shahin. I built my way up to grow multi-seven figure businesses and went ALL the way back down (…and then up again). I’ve lived several “rags to riches” stories!

believe learning from our failures is much more valuable than pretending they never happened.

Key Achievements

  •  Grew and ran a company valued at $100 million
  •  Grew multiple 7-figure business (and failed a couple!)
  •  Lost everything > Millions in personal debt > Rebuilt.
  •  Spoke at TEDx, published in Forbes as a thought leader

Dr. Tamer Shahin,
CEO, Serial Entrepreneur, Business Mentor

What's Preventing Your Business From Growing?

Find Out By Taking The FREE Triage

Why do most business owners run around like headless chicken and fail, whilst very few succeed and have all the time in the world?
Tamer Shahin

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